Monday 30 November 2009

Free Twitter 5 Day Crash Course

We have just posted a free Twitter course to help anyone who wants to learn how Twitter can be used to help drive traffic to their website, blog or sales pages.

You can grab this free 5 Day Crash Course at Go take a look Now.

Sunday 15 November 2009

Twitter For Business

So you’re a new or existing marketer and you’ve been hearing the buzz about this new social networking site, Twitter. Well I say social networking site, that’s what it started off as. Little did the guys at Odeo know that this idea they had for an SMS service which would allow for short status updates for communication, would turn into the ability for online marketers and business’s to sell products and communicate with customers quickly, directly and regularly.

So you’re the marketer… And you want to know how this Tweeting and Twittering works. Or more importantly you want to know how it works from a business perspective. You can use Twitter all you want for following friend’s and celebrities and updating a funny status. However how do you sell through it?

Well the aim for a marketer is to get followers. You can get followers by e-mailing current mailing lists, putting up links on your sites and other web products, include it in your signatures and so on. The aim of this is once you have followers you can use status updates to recommend products or provide information as often as you want. The beauty of this is also that you know that that’s the reason they are following you and it’s a lot less annoying than getting a mailbox full of e-mails every week or even not getting them because they bounce and land in the spam tray!

The followers are the keen beans, who want some valuable information, and you are their friend who gives them this information and who also happens to throw a link in to a product that you sell and thinks might be of use to them.

Well that’s one way of doing things anyway, often Twitter is also a great way to create buzz and hype about a product or site before its release. This creates a viral interest across the internet about a product that hasn’t been released yet, this is excellent and exactly what you as a marketer want. Getting people interested means you will get guaranteed sales and also people talking. If you’re really good you might even be able to get people re-Tweeting your tweets or posting your links up in other places, which certainly doesn’t do your sales or SEO any harm. However, I also urge caution as follows will soon lose interest if all they ever see is a constant stream of plugs for products which you promote. You also need to balance your promotional Tweets with things of interest to your follows. These could be ‘Tips’ or ‘Tricks of the Trade’ or perhaps snippets of humour to brighten their day – remember you have to give your follower a reason to keep coming back.

Right so you know what the aim is and why you want to do it, however what else does Twitter let you know and enable you to do? Well it allows you to judge people’s interests and what they think and feel on a product which is great, particularly before release as you can help to test the water and find out what types of users are interested which can help you understand what markets to go into and maximise your sales potential. It allows for links to your site to be posted all over other peoples Twitter accounts and to a huge number of different markets, and a rule of thumb is that more links definitely means more visits to your sites.

This short article only covers part of Twitter for the marketer however visit here to get more information on how to Market with Twitter...

Saturday 24 October 2009

Home Business Giveaway - JV Invitation

If you are an online business owner looking to build your list you should join me as a contributor to the forthcoming "Home Business Giveaway" event. This is a marvellous opportunity for people to download hundreds of 'Make Money At Home' products.

Thousands of people are expected to visit this event, they simply exchange a current active e-mail address for the hot home business related products they like the look of and download their chosen products for Free.

If you have a product which you can 'give away' you can upload your gift now for FREE and be ready to watch your list grow overnight.

The "Home Business Giveaway" event opens its doors to the public 08:00 30th October 2009 and closes the doors 23:00 6th November 2009.

Sign up now while there is still time to join:

Sunday 18 October 2009

To Make Cash Quick

There are times in everyone’s life when we need to make cash quick in order to pay for some unforeseen emergency, but for some to get cash quick is a fundamental necessity just to survive. As Maslow (1943) demonstrated in his ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ – until we satisfy our current level of need we are unable to even consider what we might need next so progressing to the next level in whatever it is we are doing is out of the question.

So, if your need involves the need for money, the ability to pay for something, or worse repay something, then the need to make cash quick can become an all consuming pressure and become your total focus. You need to make cash quick for your own sanity. If you do not fulfil this basic need to make cash quick you may find yourself unable to do anything at all.

Today the Internet presents us with many new opportunities to make some extra cash, in fact with a little know how you can literally write your own pay checks whenever you need cash quick for any purpose.

If you have access to a computer which is connected to the Internet you have the basics to get yourself started. If you have your own computer with Internet access even better because you have no excuse, there is nothing stopping you from making cash online other than your own reluctance to roll up your sleeves and give it a go. Oh, and perhaps a little know how!

If you just don’t know how to get started, there are many good reports worth reading and I’ve provided a link at the bottom to one of the best I’ve come across.

The key thing here is not to be put off by the doom and gloom merchants – it is possible to make quick cash in ANY economic climate. In fact, the more people worry about the economy the easier it is to step in and make yourself some cash quick for whatever your current need is.

The ability to make some extra cash quick is a much sought after skill, it can easily be learned and once you have it you can turn to it whenever the need arises. However, as useful as this may be it doesn’t last so it’s no good on its own as the basis for your ongoing source of additional income.

It’s great for short term fixes but is even better when used along side a strategy to generate long term cash. There is a need to strike a balance, whilst the quick cash solution may get you out of a hole; it’s the long term cash solutions that will save you from falling back into the same old hole.

The problem with relying solely on methods which make cash quick is that whilst they work, and work very well thank you, they don’t last. You will see cash quick for a while but then it will eventually dry up and you’re left with the task of finding another new idea the next time you need to make more cash. It all becomes very up and down, very erratic and unpredictable.

In Maslow’s eyes you would forever be slipping backwards to readdress and satisfy your basic needs, never able to see them satisfied therefore unable to move forward to the next level.

In terms of your needs for additional income this could mean the difference between always looking to make cash quick to fire fight the latest crises and being able to focus more on a strategy to produce a more long term additional income or even a long term source of an alternative income.

So, to recap, there are many ways in which you obtain cash quick for an emergency and the Internet has made it even easier for use to achieve this. However, unless we want to end up forever having to come up with the next new method we really need to think long term as well. Our strategy needs to include a balance of long term income supplies supplemented by selected ways to make cash quick with the quick methods becoming the icing on the cake rather than the everyday bread and butter we need to live on.

To Make Cash Quick
A simple method to put cash in your pocket, no matter how slow the economy gets. More Details Here!

Friday 16 October 2009

7 Dollar Giveaway

Finally, the moment we've all been waiting for is here.

A massive giveaway has launched where you can grab tons of gifts:
-tons of ebooks

-tons of scripts
-tons of everything you've ever wanted

All valued at thousands and thousands of dollars at no cost to you whatsoever.

I just can't hide the excitement.
Shoot over and take a look and grab all the freebies at: